Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jelly Doughnuts

So, as I'm sitting here at 11:13 p.m. after attempting to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (only to discover our devastating lack of grape jelly), in the middle of a deep blog entry, I suddenly had an idea. What if we combined a meal and dessert? And what better dessert is there than doughnuts? None, in case you're wondering.
Maybe you see where this is going.
Good, 'cause I think it's purty darn smart.
Now let's think this through: on one hand we have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and on the other we have jelly doughnuts. (Drum roll,  please) Why not make peanut butter and jelly doughnuts? (Mind blowing, eh?) Of course, then you have to consider the weirdos who eat peanut butter and BANANA sandwiches (one of those weirdos being my grandma...) who might protest that they should make peanut butter and banana doughnuts. Ridiculous. EVERYONE knows bananas don't belong in delicious dessert pastries. And then there's the health nuts who would consider all of this to be insanely unhealthy. HOWEVER, your actually eating less by combining dinner and dessert, thus eating less calories, thus reducing obesity levels in America! Plus, people would pay more for this amazing meal, which would give our economy a boost. As you can see, it's quite beneficial to everyone.
I should really get this patented. I could make millions! 

Someone who has obviously lost alot of sleep....